
Showing posts from June, 2016

Live with Heaven in View

M y parents raised their children carefully and taught us to love and respect God and His house. The Word of God was planted in our hearts from an early age. My siblings and I were faithfully taken to Sunday school and church. Our parents also made sure we read the Bible and prayed—not by asking us if we had, but by reading and praying with us. Mom and Dad went to God for everything. Their trust in Him was constant and never wavered. Many times when I was sick, they knelt beside my bed and prayed for me. On one occasion, my throat was quite swollen from tonsillitis. They prayed, and God undertook. Through situations like this, it was instilled in my heart to trust the Lord. When I was about ten years old, I knelt and prayed asking the Lord to come in and make a change in my heart, and He saved me. Even though I was a young girl, He made a change that was real; He put peace and joy in my heart. Later, I also received the experiences of sanctifica­tion and the baptism of the Holy Gh...

The Great Repairer

Do you know JESUS? You need to know HIM. You may have known HIM in several dimensions, but now, we want to see HIM as the great repairer. And when they came again to him, (for he tarried at Jericho,) he said unto them, did I not say unto you, go not? (2kings 2:18). The man speaking in this verse was Elisha, who got the double portion of Elijah’s power. At this time, he told the people looking for Elijah not to go because Elijah had gone to Heaven. Have you been going here and there looking for somebody to repair your life and change your condition? Stop going here and there, as Elisha told the sons of the prophets. The power of GOD is available if you will OBEY. Promise yourself not to go away until you receive his blessing. When you tarry with the repairer, HE will work on your life. Will you tarry? And the men of the city said unto Elisha, Behold, i pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant ,as my lord seeth: but the water is naught, and the ground barren (2kings 2:1...