Looking Back 1
The Christian race is one that should be taken seriously and not with levity,... Because once we surrender of life to CHRIST, Heaven bears record of it, our names are written down in the book of life, we gain recognition there. It’s quite unfortunate how so many people have nonchalant attitude towards this aspect of their lives, they tend to ‘look back’. Our Lord JESUS CHRIST says in Luke 9:62 ” …No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. ” When walking, running, driving, flying,... You move forward and not looking behind, the moment you do so, you get distracted, you lose focus. Now I'm not talking about looking behind you physically, I'm laying emphasis on the worldly ways which probably seems normal to humans but are not pleasing to GOD; the things you probably used to do as a sinner, are you still doing them? Thereby taking GOD’s GRACE for granted. The moment we (CHRIST’s Ambassadors) look back, we are liable to go that...