Get That Rhema 2
The greatest tool against the end time church is the adulteration of the message of grace...They teach you that God will forgive...But they will not teach you that God will not promote you to another class in the school of glory... For example: No matter how much you love your child, you will not give him/her your car to use when you know he/she has not perfected his/her driving skills. As long as that child is finding it hard to drive perfectly, other safer means would be applied... There are many people due for glorious manifestation, but they have not made a decision yet...most are ashamed of what people (friends/families) will say when they stop living ungodly lives... Brethren; You might have even heard things like “there is no person that doesn't have illegal sexual partners”, “That human beings were wired by God to fall and rise again” You might have even made several attempts to delete all those phone numbers that connects you to your vomits...But you have been afr...