Get That Rhema 1
There is
something glorious about your future in CHRIST, you only need to pray that God
reveals it to you. Once you get this revelation, you will not need any pastor
to keep preaching holiness message to you before you daily live a holy life
unto GOD...
Nowadays, we
see a chorister singing in the choir, only to leave that place the next time to
keep “ungodly” sexual appointments, when you find yourself in this situation,
it shows you haven’t seen anything yet about your glorious future...
We see people
who dress to church, to seduce the opposite sex to bed and be appraised by
their friends; this happens because such ‘people’ have spiritual eye problem
and haven't seen anything about their glorious future ...
If you do it again and again and again, God will forgive you again and again and again... but, while HE is busy forgiving you, angels are busy searching for someone else heaven will use to replace you ...
separates men before God is not how long they can pray or how much scriptures
they know...
The value God
places on people is not determined by the position they occupy in the church...
But how much they can bear for His Name sake...
But how much they can bear for His Name sake...
Sometimes, HE
allows your salary to be delayed, to know if you will start stealing in your
Sometimes, HE
allows some loose ladies to start suggesting sex with you, to know if you have
Its quite unfortunately, you find yourself falling again
and Yes, HE still will forgive....
the issue is that you will still remain in the same class in the school of glory...
the issue is that you will still remain in the same class in the school of glory...
separates men from boys...The weight of a man is buried in the decisions he
makes when no one is watching him.
Many are still behind in the school of glory; not because they
chose to, but because they still don't want to pay the price of separation...
Many times,
God allows you to be lonely so that you can be holy...
If it takes a
man to be married to be responsible, we will not have many married
irresponsible men scattered all over the place who are renting houses for their
girlfriends, while their wives are still at home....
When a man is
due for marriage, he should get married...
Just don't get
married because you want to escape fornication...
Marriage is not an escape route into a responsible life...
Marriage is not an escape route into a responsible life...
What you can’t
control when you are single has the power to control you even when you are
married ...
No matter how
beautiful your wife will be, you will still see other beautiful ladies.
Some popularly asked questions today includes:
How is it possible for someone to die to the flesh?
How can I live alone in a
house and not have rubbish/lustful thoughts?
We get answers to all such questions from the Word of GOD. Taking
a look at two people in the Bible, lets learn from their actions.
David is considered to
be a man after GOD’s Own Heart (1samuel
13:14, Acts 13:22), this was part of
his glorious future, but he most likely had not yet got this revelation
from GOD. How do I mean? 2 Samuel 11
says a whole lot.
And it came to pass, after the year was
expired, at the time when kings go forth to battle, that David sent Joab… But
David tarried still at Jerusalem. And it came to pass in an eveningtide, that
David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king's house: and
from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful
to look upon.-Verses 1&2
It is popularly said that the idle hands is
the devil’s workshop. David allowed himself to be idle and the devil who is
always seeking whom to devour seized the opportunity to strike. The end of the
story didn’t yield a good result for David, he brought GOD’s curse upon himself
and family. Always get busy,... don’t be idle,.. study the Word of GOD,… do
chores,… go out,… just keep the lustful/ill thoughts out.
David, Joseph had earlier on gotten revelation of his glorious future from GOD
(Genesis 37:5) and that was why he had to flee from Portipha's wife leaving his cloth with her
as she tried to force him into sexual immorality... It was not a marital ring
on his finger that made him refuse that gesture....
But because he knew the
future God has planned for Him will be messed up by a single wrong decision....1Thessalonians
5: 21-22 Prove all
things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil i.e.
in all things that comes your way, select only that which is good, Godly… and
abstain, flee from all evil.
GOD wants a
generation of people who will love HIM where no one is seeing them, HE wants a
breed that doesn't appear holy only when they see their parents or their Pastors...
Some people dress and behave “Holy” outwardly, yet they are
dying in secret sins, yet, they have none to cry to, because, once they
confess, they believe they will be stigmatized...
we are raising a generation that is speaking in tongues without the Holy Spirit
in them, Choir members singing only to entertain and be popular; They don't
confer value on people before God, because they haven't caught the rhema...
Others attach spiritual growth on night vigils where they go and flog enemies ...If you can succeed in getting the revelation of your glorious future, you will be a commander of the supernatural...God is waiting for you when no one is there.