The Unprecedented

When something is unprecedented, it is extraordinary and stands out due to its novelty and lack of prior occurrence. It is often used in contexts where there is a significant departure from the norm or an event of exceptional magnitude.

It has been scientifically proven with clear and resonating evidence; the story of the flood that covered the earth’s surface. With distinct details recorded in the Bible, we’re told that God spoke to a man named Noah. Haven found him righteous, HE required him to build an Ark informing him that rain would fall and cause the earth to be flooded. The news of rain falling was very unprecedented since there had never been rain on earth in those days (Genesis 2:5-6). God didn’t inform Noah of the time/season when the rain would come. And for an event that never had once happened, this man believed, built the Ark, and took on the task of evangelism head-on. For over 120 years of evangelism to the people of the world, he had only 7 congregations which happened to be his immediate family. The world mocked him. Not even his neighbors or close friends believed him. They probably thought: What is rain? What does it mean? How will water ever fall from the sky unto the earth? How will the water get up there? The rain came, it caused the great flood and every living thing perished. All except those inside Noah’s Ark.

Another unprecedented event about to happen is the Rapture of the Saints. And as the former, it is clearly recorded with distinct details in the Bible. Centuries have passed and God’s messengers: the evangelists of our time are still trying to save people against the certain futuristic destruction.  And as in the days of Noah, they are often mocked and even persecuted. Frivolities of life, partying, and ridiculous things are the idiosyncrasies of the day. Some people are ignorant of the impending danger while others prefer to ignore the warnings. The rapture will definitely happen, Christ Jesus shall return for HIS saints. Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen (Revelations 1:7).

Just like in the time of Noah, there will be a lot of mixed feelings; People will lament “Had I known”, “So these evangelists were right”, “Is there another chance?”, “Is there still another way of escape?” Alas! It is but too late.

My questions for you are thus: Why not get into the ARK Today? Why not accept this free gift of Salvation at this moment? Why not receive Christ into your Life now and live a HOLY Life

When God gives you His Word,.. Just believe,.. Just Obey,.. Then Receive.

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