
Showing posts from October, 2017

Superseding Power

In my country, Nigeria, Ibo men are looking for money... And they have it... Yoruba men are looking for education... And they have it... But Hausa men are looking for power... And they have it... But they are controlling both those with money and those with certificates... A man in power can control a man with money and with degrees... You can hate a man with power... But you are still under him... You can speak grammar more than him... But you are still under him... Just one decision he will make can affect your source of money... If he gets angry and effect a policy, all your degrees might be useless in your hands... That is why all Jesus promised His disciples was not money or scholarships... But He said: "But ye shall receive power...Acts 1:8" Because He understands that there are powers... Don't just pray for promotion in the office .. Pray for promotion in the school of Power... They can raise your salary, yet, a 9year old girl with de...

The Doctrine of Christ

"Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. John 1:9" Devotion : Anyone who cultivates the habit of disobedience to God's Word, and does not dwell in the teachings of Christ, doesn't have God. Living a life of disobedience to the Holy Scriptures and the teachings of Christ Jesus is the character of the devil and his cohort of darkness; therefore, any person who has such a character cannot belong to God and our Lord Jesus Christ. The teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ consist of the Father, the Son of God, salvation, healing, faith, patience, work, life, death, righteousness, etc. These teachings are found in the WORD of GOD. All who dwell in or abide in these doctrines of Christ have received the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Dear beloved, what shows that you have God and the Lord Jesus Christ? GOD bless you.

A Divine Project

My mother used to cook beans, but before she cooked the beans, she picked the bad and dirty beans and threw them at our backyard and only cooked the good beans. . But when the rain came, the dirty and bad beans became seed and grew up and looked beautiful; interestingly, that same person who threw them away started harvesting them; and she starts to see that the beans she threw away some time ago had value. Now let me tell you these FACTS: 1. Don't cry when people throw you at the backyard, 2. Don't cry when they reject you, 3. Don't cry while they are looking down at you. The rain is coming and the same people who are rejecting you will invite you. God loves even those that are left out and looked down upon. God will bless you, just stay connected to him and everyone will see how valuable you are. You are a divine project.

Ponder this

Sometimes ago, satan voiced unto me and asked me: "How far?.. I told him: "I thank God for everything..." He laughed me to scorn.. He said what on earth should I thank God for:... He showed me my mates who are living inside mansions, and I said hahaaa and I showed him my mates who are also inside the grave... He showed me some of my mates who are inside the costliest cars in town... I also showed him some of my mates who are inside the costliest caskets in town... He showed me the fat bank account of some of my friends... And I showed him the hospital bills of some others who are terribly sick... He took me to boutiques, to show me those who are dressed with the most expensive designer clothings ... I took him to the prisons and cells scattered all over the country..and I showed him guys who were accused innocently who have been there for many years...Even their loved ones has forgotten them there... Satan felt broken and wanted to leave me alone... B...

Who is HE

A lady committed a crime and she was sent to court. The punishment for the crime was life imprisonment. She shed tears for help but to no avail. When the case was called in court she started weeping. Her husband, family and friends who accompanied her started weeping but there was no hope. But something happened. Before the lady could stand in the witness box a man stood up and the court room was silent. Everyone looked at Him. He was noble and gentle. He stood in the witness box and interceded on behalf of the woman. The case was difficult, yet He used all His strength, energy and resources to fight on behalf of the woman. After a long legal battle between the man and the accusers, the lady was set free. The lady fell before the man and asked *'WHO ARE YOU'* The next day the lady deliberately committed another crime and was sent to the same court. As soon as she entered the courtroom, she saw the man who interceded for her the previous day on the judgement seat. He was no long...

God Is On My Side

"What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31" Devotion : The Apostle Paul asked the above questions after touching on many subjects. Some of the subjects he touched on were the intercession of the Holy Spirit for us, predestination, justification, and glorification. All the things he spoke about are in our favor as believers in Christ Jesus. He taught these subjects to encourage the believers in his era not to give up their faith even though they might be going through a lot of challenges. He said the destiny of Christians has been planned by God, we have been declared not guilty by God, and we will be glorified in the end. Sometimes we are deceived to think that God does not care or that God hates us, because of the challenges or sufferings that come our way when we became born again. These trials are just passing for us to be glorified in the end. If God gave His Son to us, then He, by His Son, will give us all things becau...