God Is On My Side
"What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31"
Devotion : The Apostle Paul asked the above questions after touching on many subjects. Some of the subjects he touched on were the intercession of the Holy Spirit for us, predestination, justification, and glorification. All the things he spoke about are in our favor as believers in Christ Jesus. He taught these subjects to encourage the believers in his era not to give up their faith even though they might be going through a lot of challenges. He said the destiny of Christians has been planned by God, we have been declared not guilty by God, and we will be glorified in the end. Sometimes we are deceived to think that God does not care or that God hates us, because of the challenges or sufferings that come our way when we became born again. These trials are just passing for us to be glorified in the end. If God gave His Son to us, then He, by His Son, will give us all things because we are HIS Heir through His Son. God is on our side; therefore, all who are against us have God to deal with; and God will always win our battles for us. Praise the Lord! Good Morning.
Devotion : The Apostle Paul asked the above questions after touching on many subjects. Some of the subjects he touched on were the intercession of the Holy Spirit for us, predestination, justification, and glorification. All the things he spoke about are in our favor as believers in Christ Jesus. He taught these subjects to encourage the believers in his era not to give up their faith even though they might be going through a lot of challenges. He said the destiny of Christians has been planned by God, we have been declared not guilty by God, and we will be glorified in the end. Sometimes we are deceived to think that God does not care or that God hates us, because of the challenges or sufferings that come our way when we became born again. These trials are just passing for us to be glorified in the end. If God gave His Son to us, then He, by His Son, will give us all things because we are HIS Heir through His Son. God is on our side; therefore, all who are against us have God to deal with; and God will always win our battles for us. Praise the Lord! Good Morning.