
Showing posts from January, 2018

The Twins

A pair of fetuses gradually began to develop in a womb, days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months. Soon they were used to each other and their practically small and tight surrounding. One day, the first communicated with the other saying "I hear voices, there seems to be something more than this current environment we are"; the other kept quiet and went about his business. "Didn't you hear me, or haven't you noticed strange things happening around here: vibrations, movement, voices... I believe there's more to this present place". The other one looked at his neighbor disdainfully and retorted "if there's something else, why haven't we seen it since all these while; we were both small and have gradually grown this big that this place is even too tight, and it's been long we've been hearing voices and feeling vibrations but still nothing has happened,... Please if you don't have anything important to say, leave me alone....

Forward and Upward Life

"Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not. Romans 12:14" Devotion : The opening scripture has given us a key to eternal blessings. It exhorts us to bless those who persecute us; we should bless and not curse. As Christians, we have a forward and upward life: this means that we have been called only to blessings and not curses. We are the light of the world and must show the world the right way to live a godly life. When we curse, we are not living our nature and the enemy can creep in and destroy. Some of those who persecute us have a chance of being born again; therefore, if we curse them, all those who have the chance to receive Christ will miss this chance and go to hell. We reap what we sow; if we sow curses, we will reap curses, and if we sow blessings, we will reap blessings. Finally, our Lord Jesus Christ did not curse people - He only cursed a fig tree. Dearly beloved, have you been persecuted before? How did you handle it? Good day to you.

Hold On

I sometimes think about the various experiences of some Mighty men when they cried out after having that Feeling of dejection. Relating their experiences with situations of life, I’ve realized that its quite decipherable to hold on. How do I mean? Taking a look at the life of men of valour recorded in the Word of God; they all had the idiosyncrasy of a good/fair enough beginning and a glorious ending; But what happened before the Glorious end product of the lives of most of them wasn’t pleasant. Each had their own obnoxious moment and at some point might have started doubting their faith; but one sure thing they did was to hold on. In life there are series of unpleasant moments we might have to go through; but as children of God, we could refer to these trial periods as the ‘Purification Processes’, likening it to the case of purifying gold. Gold in its crude/ore form is usually not attractive and at times could be mistaken for dirt (if you aren’t conversant with such). Before its ...