Are you Normal?
Growing up
in life bring much anxiety, leading to questions such as ; why do i have such
feelings? Is seeing porn a sin? Is masturbation wrong?... well to answer your
questions like these, IT IS NORMAL... yes i said it; it is normal to watch
porn, it is normal to fornicate, it is normal to go clubbing, it is normal to
masturbate, it is normal to cheat, it is normal to live like a normal human. But
you see, we serve a supernatural GOD i.e beyond natural: That’s Abnormal, when
we say we are more than conquerors in CHRIST, that’s abnormal because conquerors
are normal people, but if you are more than conquerors, that isn’t normal. But they that wait upon the LORD shall
renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run,
and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint- Isaiah 40:31. P.S Normal
people don’t mount up with wings as eagles;… when GOD said ‘’let your light so
shine before men…’’ HE didn’t say ‘let all men’s light shine‘, if all light
shines there will be no difference, therefore in this dark world, HE was referring
to those who would distinguish themselves and choose to be Abnormal in other to
shine before all.
Now if you were travelling on a bridge as wide as 3rd
mainland bridge in lagos, Nigeria; you will notice vehicles speeding and overtaking themselves
anyhow, you could drive normally, but if a bridge is as narrow as a train rail,
you cant drive anyhow on that, you would be extraordinarily prudent not to fall
(Matthew 7: 13-14). Some people do some things because they cant see where it
is written in the Bible that it is wrong and yet they do not want to be caught
doing such things 1st thessalonians 5:21. Prove
all things; hold fast that which is good. 22.Abstain
from all appearance of evil. GOD didn’t say here that you should
see temptation and WAIT or RESIST; HE said here that you should abstain i.e
refrain, withdraw yourself, flee all appearances of evil. HE said we should
RESIST the devil and he shall flee from you, but when you see temptation you do
what; FLEE. If GOD being supernatural (i.e abnormal to normal humans) says I should
be HOLY (Leviticus 20:7, 1 Peter 1: 15-16), I don’t know about you, but I would
rather be Abnormal and be like my FATHER in Heaven.