
Showing posts from 2018

Salvation of the Frog 2

Just as I previously described a snake experience, years later I had a similar experience in the same house. This time around I saw the elongated body of the snake under the parked vehicle as it wrapped itself around a helpless frog. It was getting ready to consume its prey when I saw it. As quiet and quickly as I could, I went in to inform my siblings. Apologies to all forms of animal right activists, I live in a geographical environment where snakes are dreaded and almost always killed; so we came out to... well you know – finish the job. By this time, the frog wasn’t visible anymore, rather a snake with a protruded belly was seen. Noticing us, it picked up the pace but was sluggish at doing that. It retreated for a hole in the vehicle wheels rim, however due to its previously swallowed meal, the obtrusive part of its body couldn’t fit in the hole. Its last resort was to regurgitate its meal. The unbelievable happened as the snake vomited the frog whole in other to escape. It as we...

Salvation of the frog 1

Some years before I had a little experience which left me pondering. I was in the compound of my house that day enjoying the cool breeze and ruminating. I suddenly noticed a strange looking creature approaching me. I fixed my gaze on it and saw the appearance of a soil brown creature which had an unusually long green tail hopping towards me. It drew nearer and at this point, I became petrified so I barked out at it. At the blaring of my voice it was revealed. I then realised it was an endangered frog running to me for salvation. It was being chased almost neck and neck by a green snake. At the sound of my voice, the desire of the frog came through as the snake lifted up its head, saw me and retreated. Although the frog didn’t come up to meet me but I could almost hear it say thank you; it was indeed a close call to death for the frog. On a norm, the frog wouldn’t want to be sighted by me let alone run to me for help; as a matter of fact, it must have initially spotted me but...

Follow Me

When we pray, we have the intuition that GOD is able to do what we request and that makes us say our prayers. We wait at times to get answers to our prayers, while at times we aren’t sure if our prayers have been answered because the signs we expect isn’t what we see. To this effect GOD says Follow Me. The question now is Have you been Following HIM? When you are frequent with Him, you will recognise HIS idiosyncrasies. You would be like Elijah who saw the big signs of wind which broke the mountains, enormous earthquake and fire but still knew that GOD wasn’t there. You would recognise HIS Still small voice and follow Him. An example of a character in the Bible who would have made great impact if only He had left all and Followed was John. His testimony records saying “And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost” (John 1:33)...

Doing Good

This morning, we had our usual family devotion and treated the the topic "Good Neighborliness" ( Open Heavens devotional) . We were taught (in summary) to do good unto others as it will later on affect us in future (i.e. depending on how we had previously treated others). Not long after (still in the cold morning), I went to get somethings in the neighborhood and as I was returning home (right in front of my house), a vehicle parked by my side and the driver beckoned to me. (I thought- "oh another description of a location to give, let me hear where to". However, I was surprised at his request) He asked me to do him a favor saying in his local dialect that someone didn't close the boot of his vehicle properly, so I should help him raise it up and close it properly. "Oh, no harm done", I thought and although being skeptical, I wanted to oblige. I looked upon the boot of the vehicle and as I was about venturing into the "favor", in a split seco...

There is No Fear In Love

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. John 4:18" Devotion : The opening scripture has given us a standard of rule to measure true love. This must be taken seriously in order to identify true love on the one hand and false love on the other. True love/perfect love cast out fear, doubt, and anxiety. Therefore, any time you want to demonstrate love and you feel fear, doubt, and anxiety, please don't exercise love because your heart is telling you that there is something fishy about the subject of your love, that is, the one to whom you want to demonstrate/show love. The subject/person may either be taking advantage of you or looking for your destruction. The enemy also reads the Bible and seeks to rob us of our blessing by using his children against us. On the other hand, if you are about to show love to someone and you have no fear, doubt, and anxiety, go ahead and demonstrate ...

The Twins

A pair of fetuses gradually began to develop in a womb, days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months. Soon they were used to each other and their practically small and tight surrounding. One day, the first communicated with the other saying "I hear voices, there seems to be something more than this current environment we are"; the other kept quiet and went about his business. "Didn't you hear me, or haven't you noticed strange things happening around here: vibrations, movement, voices... I believe there's more to this present place". The other one looked at his neighbor disdainfully and retorted "if there's something else, why haven't we seen it since all these while; we were both small and have gradually grown this big that this place is even too tight, and it's been long we've been hearing voices and feeling vibrations but still nothing has happened,... Please if you don't have anything important to say, leave me alone....

Forward and Upward Life

"Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not. Romans 12:14" Devotion : The opening scripture has given us a key to eternal blessings. It exhorts us to bless those who persecute us; we should bless and not curse. As Christians, we have a forward and upward life: this means that we have been called only to blessings and not curses. We are the light of the world and must show the world the right way to live a godly life. When we curse, we are not living our nature and the enemy can creep in and destroy. Some of those who persecute us have a chance of being born again; therefore, if we curse them, all those who have the chance to receive Christ will miss this chance and go to hell. We reap what we sow; if we sow curses, we will reap curses, and if we sow blessings, we will reap blessings. Finally, our Lord Jesus Christ did not curse people - He only cursed a fig tree. Dearly beloved, have you been persecuted before? How did you handle it? Good day to you.

Hold On

I sometimes think about the various experiences of some Mighty men when they cried out after having that Feeling of dejection. Relating their experiences with situations of life, I’ve realized that its quite decipherable to hold on. How do I mean? Taking a look at the life of men of valour recorded in the Word of God; they all had the idiosyncrasy of a good/fair enough beginning and a glorious ending; But what happened before the Glorious end product of the lives of most of them wasn’t pleasant. Each had their own obnoxious moment and at some point might have started doubting their faith; but one sure thing they did was to hold on. In life there are series of unpleasant moments we might have to go through; but as children of God, we could refer to these trial periods as the ‘Purification Processes’, likening it to the case of purifying gold. Gold in its crude/ore form is usually not attractive and at times could be mistaken for dirt (if you aren’t conversant with such). Before its ...