Let it Grow

The human mind is most usually characterised with Anxiety. It’s not a sin to be anxious actually, but at times, we are usually anxious and worried about things beyond our control. Be it concerning Financial matters, or relationship or whatever... One thing is sure – Things need / take time to grow.
God has created all things and made them beautiful; HE has set the course for growth in all things; therefore, bypassing this order most-often usually lead to grave consequences in future. How do I mean? Taking the case of Adam as an example; he was a fully grown Man - but had the brain of a small child. He was inexperienced, hadn’t learnt anything and was given the duty of a manager. Thus; he failed.
However, since plan A (Adam) failed, GOD created a plan B: which is why Jesus (although being a God) came to the world in form of a child. He had to experience the growth and passed through all forms of struggles, hunger, temptations, trials, pain… For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren,.. For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted (Heb 2: 16 & 18). Before CHRIST did HIS miracles and wonders, He learnt as a child and grew into what HE is. He didn’t just fall from Heaven as some people expected; He passed through the Growth procedure as an example for us to follow. At some point, He had to exclaim saying “mine hour is not yet come” when he was compelled to do something before time.
Nowadays, people want things (results) quickly and can’t afford to wait for growth to take place; as a result, many go into dubious/dirty means to get wealth; some leave their spouse because he/she is quite “slow” in being successful; some abandon their business because they feel it’s not working even after much expenses, some feel their children aren’t brilliant enough: uhm hmm!...so much more examples of people giving up easily. As a child of GOD all you need to do is keep being updated with GOD; know HIS mind on that issue and if it tallies with HIS will, then give it time to grow.
When you plant a seed, you can’t harvest it’s yield immediately, you’d rather have to wait a period for it to germinate and grow till it is mature enough. You’ll then wait for it to start bearing fruits. Even with the vast technological advancement to speed up plants growth and production, these might just enhance its growth; there’s still a little period of waiting.
Don’t be anxious and afraid of growth. Know GOD’s will and give it time, let it GROW! “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”[Habakkuk 2:3]
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God [Philippians 4:6].

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