Prepared; Just not "Ready"

About nine years before (2011), I came to the reality of a near-death experience. I was in a little hall room with some people and I watched helplessly as death began to take hold of the people I was with. The numbers of those I kinda knew began to reduce as the deceased increased. The horrible truth of the movie industry was confirmed as I saw the vigorous shaking as a result of the struggle between life and death at which more often than not, death prevailed.  All I could do was rely on my Father’s word in Psalms 91:7 which says “A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.”

Even though this was my watch word, I was indeed petrified knowing that if care wasn’t taken, I’d soon end up with the dead. Faced with that reality, I began to ponder over my life experiences which make that saying true that when faced with death, all of one’s life would begin to flash before one's eye; all I could use to console myself was that if it comes to the worse, I’ll go to Heaven, but deep within me I knew I wasn’t ready to leave; I thank God for coming through for my deliverance.
In the current pandemic, we are faced with a reality no one is prepared for and if care isn’t taken, we may be looking at the advent of a global extinction; GOD forbid right? I say so too. However, the word of God lets us know that these things must need be and that they are signs to prepare us for the Rapture, the Second Coming of Christ Jesus and subsequently, the end of the world [Matthew 24:6-14]. All these have been fulfilled and even the time watch of the world [The Israelites] have repossessed their land and are returning home en masse; and soon they’ll begin the construction of their temple (that’s if they haven’t started)[Zechariah 8:7-9]. In all, we see prophecies documented in the word of God, which signal the end of time being fulfilled before our very eyes.

Considering all these, I ask; Are we ready for what is coming? I mean, should the Rapture happen right now, are we prepared? A lot would say I'm prepared, I'm ready; but to me, there’s a difference between the two. By GOD’s Grace, I'm prepared for Christ’s second coming, as I have this confidence in GOD that if the rapture happens now, I'm going. However, the sad thing is this, I do not think I am "ready" and that’s because I would love to see my friends, colleagues, families, loved ones there too. I'm not a judge, but we all have that one person whose lifestyle makes us concerned and worried, who is not saved and secured through Christ or who is still struggling with sin. Heaven is a place of Joy, Not of sorrow. I’d love to see you in Heaven and I know this feeling is mutual.

I wish the rapture had a second batch and I also wish there are other ways for the gentiles to enter the Kingdom of GOD. However, we know that the rapture doesn’t have a second batch and also that there is NO OTHER WAY FOR US TO BE SAVED except through Jesus Christ [Acts 4:12].

So here is my plea to you, this is not the time to play the “who’s right” game. Don’t let anything be a hindrance to your being rapturable. Reconcile with those the spirit of GOD has been nudging you towards. Swallow your pride and make those calls you know you ought to make. Indeed just play your part, being careful to follow peace with all men and choosing to live a Holy life through the Grace of GOD.

I have good news for you, the Rapture hasn't taken place yet, and you can take these steps now!

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me…I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. [John 14:1,6].

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt [Daniel 12:1-4].

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