(Please read the previous post (Part 1)if you haven't already)
Another analogy that aptly describes the Hooke's law scenario, is the Earth's Gravitational Field. Within this field, everything that goes up comes down. But there's such a thing as the Escape Velocity, this is the minimum velocity required to get out of the Earth's Gravitational Field. This principle is used in Rockets today to get into space.
This Escape Velocity, which takes one beyond the Gravitational Field (the Elastic limit), is the subject of this discourse.
The life of Peter describes this situation clearly to us.
Rising and falling wasn't strange to him, 3 times he went back till Christ came to the rescue effectively bringing him beyond the Yield Point!
- He and others forsook Jesus and fled (Mark14:50), then Peter returned following afar off (Mark14:54).
- He denied Jesus 3 times as foretold by Jesus (Mark14:66-72), he wept and repented.
- He went back 'afishing' after the resurrection of Jesus (John 21:3).
The appearance of Jesus by the sea in John 21 was to effectively bring him beyond the Yield Point. Jesus dealt with major areas of his life...
(1) His Desire/Passion/Love
...Simon, son of Jonas, *lovest thou me more than these?*... (John 21:15)
How much do you (I) Love God...
More than Sin? Yes, that's the basis for being a child of God. But much more than that, do you love Him more than Legitimate things? Do you (I) love Him more than my Job, friends, family and even myself?
Matthew 10:37- He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
(2) His Will
John 21:18 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdedst thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not.
Are you willing to surrender your will to Him that He may take you even where you don't like!
Have you given your life to Christ?
Are you willing to give up your love and will?
Are you willing to go beyond the Yield Point?
Come up Higher! Go to God in prayers!
--Message Inspiration of GOD by Ifesanmi Oluwasegun